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Keyfront - Ruckers 1583

Keyfront - Ruckers 1583


Hans Ruckers, Anvers, Belgique, 1583, Musée de la Musique, Paris.
Virginal keyfront

3 layers of parchment superimposed on tinted parchment background

11,5 x 23,5 mm


9 € / piece - Without background

9,30 € / piece - With tinted parchment background

  • Dimensions

    The dimensions of the keyfront shown are not standard and may be adapted to your instrument.

  • Colours

    The colour can be modified to suit your taste.

  • Price and shipping costs

    V.A.T. non applicable, art.293B du CGI (tax statutes)

    The customer is accountable for any shipping, banking and custom fees.

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